2023-06-22 16:10:07 来源: 互联网
The public security department has detained nine people related to a deadly explosion accident happened on Wednesday night in a barbecue restaurant in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous, according to the China Central Television on Thursday around noon.
The authority has also frozen the assets of the nine people, including the manager, shareholders and staff of the barbecue restaurant.
The relevant departments of the autonomous region have temporarily relocated all 64 households from two residential buildings near the barbecue restaurant to nearby hotels.
By Thursday morning, up to 31 people died due to the explosion caused by the leakage of liquefied gas tank in the barbecue restaurant.
The accident happened at around 8:40 pm on Wednesday, according to the local government. The fire caused by explosion was put out at 9:20 pm Wednesday.
The explosion resulted in 38 casualties, 31 of whom died after rescue, and seven who are still in medical treatment as of Thursday morning.
The rescue team and investigation group for the accident were formed immediately to provide full medical treatment for the casualties and deal with the case.
记者:胡冬梅 杜娟
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